Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things are looking great!!

I guess I should listen to my own posts and post something LOL

TileMax is moving along again.  The sprite system is working A1 and its all integrated into a single render call if configured that way.  I'm really feeling good about this.  I discovered a bug in one of my "I thought" stable components... TMAnim.   It was offsetting sub-image tiles by the full image width! How did I not see that!  In any case its fixed, its all aligned, i'm just finishing up converting the collision code to the new parameters and I might be darn near getting all this out into Alpha!  oh... after a few days of documentation :P

This next release encompasses a lot of components that will be a good starter for anyone getting going with a game.  I wish I could have gotten back to the GUI system... next time.  plus theres lots of GUI's out there in the mean time.

More to come...Cheers