Sunday, September 6, 2009


Its funny what drives us to attack the next obstacles in our programs.  For me, its usually driven by what I want to see it do; however, when my daughters decided that they both wanted to play test TileMax and started fighting over 'who is next' I decided that adding a split view was the next big requirement... I am making this for them after all.

So, in only an hour or so I managed to add a RenderWindow class that controlled the window focus and allowed two specifically different views of the same map to render... a couple control tweaks (aka adding controls for a second player) and viola!

Now, I just have to speed things up by adding the actors to a display list so I don't have to iterate through them all each time... just those on the actual screen... probably an hour of coding if that... but thats for the next window of coding time I get.   The holiday tomorrow (in Canada) will have me walking around an expensive and uninspiring portable "fair" with the kids.. oh well... its time well spent.

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