Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Optimize TileMax but more importantly my time!

I've been really busy lately... busy working on TileMax and I'm really super happy with how things are progressing.  My compartmentalizing of TileMax has continued making reusable code chunks that sit independently from the Tile Engine... I separated out graphics management, complex math code, condensed some more timing related code such as the FPS manager, and these really cool new multi-node sequencers... those are so cool!  To summarize, they attach to any float and control a start to finish value based on % per ms and have 3 modes... Pass through, Bounce, and Roll.... Pass through is used to go from one node to the next, Bounce goes from 0 to 100% and reverses back and forth... unless there is a chain of nodes in which case it progresses back through the chain leading up to it... Roll.. well that goes from 0 to 100% and back to 0... or back to the start of the chain if there are several nodes.

TileMax now looks like this:

Import "TMAnim.bmx" ' Animations Control
Import "TMTileEngine.bmx" ' Tile Map System
Import "TMPoly.bmx" ' Polygon Transforms and Collisions
Import "TMGUI.bmx" ' Graphical User interface & Hud
Import "TMTiming.bmx" ' Delta time controls
Import "TMMath.bmx" ' Math repository
Import "TMGraphics.bmx" ' Extra Graphics commands
Import "TMScene.bmx" ' Contains controls for switching screens
Import "TMSound.bmx" ' Music and Sound FX
Import "TMParticleFX.bmx" ' Particle Effects and Emitters
Import "TMInput.bmx" ' Input Controls
Import "TMLanguage.bmx" ' For Creation and use of language files
Import "TMFonts.bmx" ' For displaying fast text

The other thing I've done is discovered a gold mine of time! My work day is busy... and during lunch hours I was just sitting back and wasting an hour away doing either nothing, watching the news, or more recently, working on a new TileMax logo... but, I had to bring my personal laptop into work today and realized that I really like locking my office at noon and pulling out my laptop to have a go at TileMax... today I accomplished ALOT!  So every weekday now I am garanteed an hour for TileMax... SWEET!

More to come... baby need me

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