Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'm getting excited and thats something I need to keep at bay for the time being.  Playing with the new particle system is fun, but distracting me from my goal to have this whole package wrapped up and documented for others to use as well.  Being able to enable others to make games has been part of the goal as well, and to keep it inexpensive enough be be reachable for most but also to give me some fun money for game resources 8)  right now I have NO budget!

Anyway, I now have all the pieces necessary to make a game, but I don't want to get overly excited and start delving into making a game out of it until its performing to my satisfaction.  Several areas need additional functionality and some optimization.  The foundations are there, but need improvement... such as the GUI system which just consists of fully functioning button types but no extended types yet - just the basics.  The TileSystem is working very well, that I am extremely happy with!  Actor management and the polygon collision system is working wonderfully as well.  The sound system is weak, but workable for now.  I do want to add other sound options from packages like FMOD but perhaps later on down the road.  FMOD has licensing costs ergo there is no immediate need to add support for it.  What else?  The scene control system and save/load need to have all the new items supported.  Right now all you get is your saved map... no actors, no spawn points, nothing of that nature.  I realize that is more towards the "Game Creation System" side of TileMax instead of just the BlitzMax mod side, but in my mind necessary for both.

Company coming... more later.

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