Thursday, December 3, 2009

Split time...

I've been looking TileMax over and have decided to split my coding time.  So 1/2 the time I'll advance the code, and 1/2 the time I'll go back and do some code cleanup, standardization, and some additional documentation.  

The system is already set up to be a BlitzMax mod so it only makes sense to properly document the command structure within the code and then extract that into a manual later on.  Its come along way, and I don't want things to start falling apart on me because I didn't properly set it up.

So far, the following Top level Objects are currently available in the Game Creation System, and I've added this information to the temporary google website I set up.
  • TMObject - A base class for all items in the game that have any kind of interaction
  • TileMax - Contains all the high level operations for the game such as Graphics control and Projection matrix code
  • Level - Contains an entire level and load & save operations etc.
  • MapTile - Contains an individual tile on a TileMap
  • TileLayer - Contains an individual layer of a tile
  • Actor - These are the game actors like players, enemies etc.
  • Anim - Controls Animation Sequences.  Allows animations to be created in non-sequential imagemaps
  • GUI - The GUI system supports full animation and parenting to mounts that can move, rotate, and scale in real time
  • Vector - groups vector based operations
  • Connection - Creates interaction connections between game objects like Keep Away, Follow etc.
  • Path - Contains path nodes, travelers, and a modified A* path finding system
  • Poly - Contains polygon based operations such as polygon objects, collisions, etc
  • RenderWindow -  allows for multiple views of the same game... usually used for more than one player on a given map
  • Brush - Contains a group of Maptiles used to Stamp the main map, these can overwrite or merge with the map
  • TileSet - Contains a single TileSet and operations to modify them & make Anim strips.

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