Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Refocus is good

The funny thing is that I haven't gotten much time lately to work on the project, but just because I couldn't sit at the computer didn't mean that my brain shut down lol.  I've certainly done a lot of thought with TileMax's direction and almost missed something insanely vital... or convenient.

Had I trotted off in the direction I was heading I would certainly coded myself into some disappointment.  I really really want to incorporate a physics engine into TileMax, to do that you have to go polygon for everything, but the problem with that is then you need to outline all your collision spaces with polygons rather than just using the already drawn images within the tiles.  But right now, by using this feeler system of collision I effectively create a polygon outline of an actor... now it's currently not organized that way but with a small bit of code rework it will be.  Anyway, those "feelers" already collide with tiles (when a collision layer is present) and can implement any kind of reaction upon the player.  There is nothing then stopping me from adding that polygon to a physics engine... gluing it together will be the fun part.  

The one bit of code I have been touching and feeling on occation is the new GUI part... I'm calling it AXEGUI and I don't even recall why.  I needed a GUI that can move panels around (animated) like having robot arms come out with the settings panel or the like.  I have the parenting, rotation, and image attachment parts working. Once I get the PointInPoly stuff going, I should be able to create the first clickable "buttons"... It works by defining a Mount, which is like a 2D pivot... everything extends a mount and is fully rotatable, can be extended/retracted, and is scalable.

Anyway.. enough for now, I actually get an hour or so to code tonight! 8)

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